Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mean Mugging kp by Da Creative Genius

My mean muggin' face was remixed and drawn by a friend who goes by the name of "Da Creative Genius" aka Dan The Man (DTM).

"Mean mugging is my favorite past time", say DTM.

"The Man" he is and indeed, a "creative genius". DTM draws free hand, tattoos, and is one of the sickest graphic artist/designer I know. I admire his work because you can tell he puts time into it and its original. Dan takes the images from his mind and draws out these vivid & detailed images, creating masterpieces. It doesn't matter if its on paper or by computer. He's mastered his craft in all areas.

After reading a little biography about him, it stated that he has received "praise and trouble" from his skill. "Praise from the artist community and trouble from teachers and employers who thought DTM drew too much."

Sometimes its better to follow your heart cause you never know where your talents can led you. In this case, DTM has decided to follow his desire to draw. Now he creates and sells his designs and drawings for print and the web.

To find more on Da Creative Genius's, his work and contact info, check out one of his websites:

Da Creative Genius


Mano-A-Mano Art Show

Tattoo Partys

Visual Art Werks

"Everybody can draw, but can anyone create? Can anyone imagine and bring forth a fruit out of a pen and a piece of paper?" - DTM

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Clock is Ticking

Throughout LIFE you try to overcome every obstacle that comes your way...

At this time in my LIFE, I have done a lot of soul searching and realized that LIFE is too short to try and change someone. I had to learn that the hard way and now I have a friend to teach me to just SIMPLY be ME...

Living LIFE to the fullest and still maintaining to find what it is that GOD has in store for me. Living one day at a time and controlling my every actions. I am RE-BORN.

Doing me is all I can do for my kids. You can't help the next person get by if you can't help yourself. I had to learn that too. Giving someone your all and getting nothing in return is a waste of TIME and TIME is all you have in LIFE.

_and at some points TIME is very limited_

People have come and gone in my LIFE. For the WORSE and for the GOOD. LIFE is all an learning experience. So, I keep a positive mind in everything I do and I think that's what keeps me sane.

But I have learned and realized, throughout these past years, that your FRIENDS and FAMILY can make and break you. They can also be the cause of all your pain and stress.

So, just going through the motions may not be the answer.

The clock is TICKING and it never stops.

So what is it that you're going to do?



What is the thrill of destroying the happiness of someones life???

Dumbfounded as I am to this question, it kills me to see someones enviousness get the best of them.

Jealously is the fuel that drives someones mind to motivate the passengers to hate as much as the driver. Or the fuel to drive evilness to perform its UN-natural work of harm. As insane, as the driver's mind, my mind wonders.

Why? & How?

Can someone reveal their jealous soul and let evilness lurk inside to create a power of energy called HATE.

Evil for Evil

Because you can't stand to see the next person have, want, or just being in the state of happiness or being humble with ones self. Because you want to have, want to give or want to want...

You try to destroy it with all the force of human nature to watch the passengers or the next driver to crash upon mercy. As collective as they are, their spirit of kindness unwilling & unknowingly fights back.

Karma as they say is a BITCH!!! & Guess what???

SHE is... ^_^
